Monday 13 July 2015

More Collages

Here are few more collages I recently did using different themes - 

Grazing horses 

Desert Village

Tintin on the road

Herbarium Collection

I am putting up a post after one full year; as I was busy with many other pursuits. Two of my cookery books got published in Kindle in the meantime. Presenting another herbarium collection here, with leaves from the following countries: Belgium, Italy, Azerbaijan, Greece, Uruguay, Alaska etc. Enjoy



Alaska and Azerbaijan


Belgium, Italy, Netherlands

Italy, Latvia


Nearly from my backyard neighborhood

Saturday 19 July 2014

New Collages

I would like to show some of the recent collages I have done; once again inspired by nature and animals and our beautiful world. Enjoy :)

A house by the beach

A ship reaching harbor and a pilot boat is approaching

River boating through wilderness

Two friends in wilderness, nature is the best place to go

A lake side village with ducks and fishes playing in the water

A boat man relaxes in a narrow river gorge

A hill from my childhood memory. Our village had green meadows and hills around, and occasionally tigers would come looking for food

Thursday 17 July 2014

My Activities and Hobbies past and present

The following list ensued during a conversation with a friend, when she told me that I should make a list of all my activities and hobbies since she felt there were many. I have always led an active life both physically and mentally and as I grow old I find more new things to learn and experience and this in fact keeps my mind from aging even if my body does. Since I stay mostly alone in my house all by myself, I find engaging in all sorts of interesting activities keeps me not only busy but also enriches my life and I follow the motto of - never say No to life. So I am still growing, learning and I will never grow old. And I must admit that since I got a laptop and learned about internet and email, my life has grown richer exponentially. My cookery book titled - Mom's Kitchen, is now available in Amazon Kindle version all over the world. 

Here are some of the things that keeps me engaged - 

1.  Music – classical, toppa song, Rabindrasangeet, Najrul geeti, Ramprasadi, Atulprasad, Rajanikanta, Raag pradhan Bengali songs, patriotic songs, P.T. Songs, devotional songs, folk music (Bhatiali, Baaul, saari gaan, seasonal songs (Ritu gaan), biraha geet), Kirtan, Hindi Bhajan and geet, Punjabi folk

2.  Writing – short story, poetry, limericks and nonsense rhymes, articles, novels, lyrics, raagpradhan bangla gaan, folk songs, cook book, nursery rhymes

3.  Crossword puzzles

4.  Braille writing for the blind

5. Riddles in English and Bengali

6.  Designing Braille toys for blind children

7.  Herbarium collection from around the world

8.  Counselling needy people from all age groups

9.  Social work to help needy children and senior citizens for over 44 years

10.  Patient care of autistic people

11.  Patient care of schizophrenics and their families to cope up with the trauma

12.  Helping depressed people, saving marriage split ups

13.  Humorous caption writing

14.  Played various sports at high level when young – swimming, cycling, knife throwing, fishing, climbing hills, bamboo rafting, skipping

15.  Yoga practitioner

16.  Fine needle work

17.  Knitting

18.  Crochet work

19.  Patch work

20.  Fabric painting

21.  Collage painting

22.  Egg shell painting

23.  Teaching underprivileged children

24.  Gardening

25.  Cooking

26.  Music composition of my own lyrics

27.  Tailoring

28.  Rebus creating in English and Bengali

29.  Montessori training to children

30.  Homeopathy

31.  Acupressure

32.  Study psychology

33.  Worked as matron in YWCA hostel

34.  All-over in-charge or Mother super in a Residential Institute in the past

35.  Play instruments – harmonium, sitar, tanpura

36.  NCC cadet when young

37.  Interior decoration

38.  Reuse and recycle of old things (clothes, articles, newspaper, magazines, etc)

39.  Latin language

40.  Autograph collection of celebrities like singers, players, scientists etc

41. Newspaper article collection of ordinary people doing extraordinary things  

Sunday 23 June 2013

Avian Collages

The primary theme of these collages are avian or bird. There's a prominent bird in each, though I haven't a clue as to the names of these birds but they do bring in something that shows their free spirit and the will to fly away into distant skies. I would request all of you, never to catch or cage a bird. Birds by nature are meant to soar and fly, don't imprison them just because you like the looks of one or wish to hear it repeat some silly words. Set them free, they love freedom as much as you do. Let's all pledge to this. Thank you

Rebus Collection

By definition, Rebus is 'A puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words'

Sometime back while I was toying with my collages and images that I collect all the time, I thought of forming words and proverbs using images and pictures instead of writing these words. At the time I started forming my Rebus collections, I had no idea that the word 'Rebus' exists and there indeed used to be a practice of using pictures to depict meaningful coded messages in the olden days. In fact it is a form of cryptography. My son who saw my images forming words and messages first told me about Rebus and when I looked it up in the net I realized I had hit upon an idea through which I could express many things without actually writing the words down. Over the months, I have now formed a sizable collection of such Rebus puzzles. Here I present 11 such puzzles, the answers to these have been provided at the end, but I would strongly recommend you to first try and solve it yourself. Happy puzzling to you all...

Saturday 2 March 2013

Collages New

Refreshing hike to a mountain village in Spiti

You decide who is more confused, the hubby or the parrot! 

Safari for all the wildlife lovers who are wild at heart

Kedarnath Temple

This picture has several possibilities - car has broken down / they have quarreled / he is admiring the scenery and she is admiring herself :)