Sunday 23 June 2013

Avian Collages

The primary theme of these collages are avian or bird. There's a prominent bird in each, though I haven't a clue as to the names of these birds but they do bring in something that shows their free spirit and the will to fly away into distant skies. I would request all of you, never to catch or cage a bird. Birds by nature are meant to soar and fly, don't imprison them just because you like the looks of one or wish to hear it repeat some silly words. Set them free, they love freedom as much as you do. Let's all pledge to this. Thank you

Rebus Collection

By definition, Rebus is 'A puzzle where you decode a message consisting of pictures representing syllables and words'

Sometime back while I was toying with my collages and images that I collect all the time, I thought of forming words and proverbs using images and pictures instead of writing these words. At the time I started forming my Rebus collections, I had no idea that the word 'Rebus' exists and there indeed used to be a practice of using pictures to depict meaningful coded messages in the olden days. In fact it is a form of cryptography. My son who saw my images forming words and messages first told me about Rebus and when I looked it up in the net I realized I had hit upon an idea through which I could express many things without actually writing the words down. Over the months, I have now formed a sizable collection of such Rebus puzzles. Here I present 11 such puzzles, the answers to these have been provided at the end, but I would strongly recommend you to first try and solve it yourself. Happy puzzling to you all...