Tuesday 7 August 2012

Cauliflower in Coriander Sauce

Ingredients –

Cauliflower – 400 gm                     green chili – 3

Mustard seed – 2 teaspoon            sugar – 1 teaspoon

Coriander leaves fresh – 250 gm    salt – to taste

Mustard oil – 50 ml (to fry)            turmeric powder – a pinch

Method –

1.      Cut cauliflower into floweret’s and wash
2.      Grind mustard seed and green chili together into a fine paste. Keep aside covered (else the flavor will go)
3.      Wash coriander leaves and grind into fine paste
4.      Heat oil. When smoking, add cauliflower, salt, turmeric. Stir well, fry till light brown
5.      Add ground mustard seed and green chili, and keep on stirring on low flame
6.      Add sugar and sprinkle water while stirring
7.      Add coriander leave paste, keep on stirring
8.      When done and dried, remove from fire. Serve with rice or roti or poori 

Brazil Leaves

My son  recently got back from a longish tour of Brazil and got me bag full of leaves, some of them very rare and indigenous to the Amazons that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Here's a collection of the same, and if someone can give me the names of these leaves then that would be great. As always my son has absolutely no idea what these plants are called.

Typical rain forest leaves, thick, full of moisture

There leaves are all from the Atlantic shores

Lord Ganesha

The Hindu God of good fortune, Lord Ganesha is the child of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and sports the head of an elephant. By Hindu custom, we are supposed to worship Lord Ganesha before starting anything new, and only after that should we pray to any other Gods. He is also supposed to be the quickest scribe in the universe and it is he who had  jotted down Mahabharata. So I created these two Lord Ganesha images with peepal tree leaves

Nature Collages

I have been inactive here for a while, mainly as my son has been traveling and he is the one who updates my blog. So while he was away, I created these collages..

Car on a highway through forests

Rail track that no one uses any more

Pathway to a music school

River Story