Riddles are defined as difficult problems,
which are twisted so that you have to think out of the box to find the answers.
Rebuses are puzzles where you decode a message consisting of pictures
representing syllables and words.
Here I present some of my riddles and
rebuses combination. The answers are at the bottom. Enjoy...
1. What
we seek; & when we cross the end, we find an animal
x the end = which animal?
2. We
disagree and add one letter, now we are scared
3. Let’s
fry some eggs in here and then turn it around for a nice siesta
4. Time of any event and a tasty fruit
5. Seeking rights with a tiny insect makes you the beneficiary
6. Utterly delicious on toast takes flight and flutters
7. With
power enough to control nature, when flipped, gets totally beyond control
8. Rabbits
love it but take out the bad part and we can drive around

9. A
fruit to die for, when separated is on the run
1. goal = goat
2. fight + r = fright
3. pan = nap
4. dates
5. claim + ant = claimant
6. butter + fly = butterfly
7. dam = mad
8. carrot - rot = car
9. mango = man + go
LOL.. these are superb!!! Perfect brain quests!!!